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Frequently Asked Questions

Does the product pose any health risks?

HydroWear relies on a single use patch for application to the skin. Unless users have very sensitive skin, HydroWear is non intrusive and poses no health risk- only benefits.

What level of dehydration makes me unhealthy?


Healthy hydration levels depend on each individual, as what is a healthy balance for some may not be so healthy for others. To find out what your personal healthy hydration levels are, don’t hesitate to try out HydroWear and experience for yourself.

What are the different packages you can buy?

There are multiple different packages you can purchase that cater to your needs! There is a Team package, an Olympic package, and an Elite package that can be found in our shop menus.

How do I get notified if I am dehydrated?

We wanted our product to be simple and easy to use. When wearing the HydroWear chip, a notification will be sent to an app on your phone which tells you when you need to hydrate.

Can I buy HydroWear in bulk?

We have multiple packages catered to your needs! Our Team Package has 20 deluxe units, the Olympic Package has 32 deluxe units, and the Elite Package has 56 deluxe units!

Will it break easily?

The HydroWear chip is manufactured to be durable and long-lasting. The chip's safety will not affect your experience. However, we suggest to be careful with it as all technology and treat it with care!

Disclaimer: This Virtual Enterprise online store is for educational purposes only.  (2020-2021–BioVital Inc.)

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